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On a Personal Note

I decided to start writing a blog to accompany the website I created a few years ago. The website - (aka - was started as a part of a larger project that included a widespread postcard mailing and radio spots. With the interest and help of others, the postcards were sent in my own state, throughout the US and around the world. Both the postcards and radio spots are up in the About section on the website.

That website focuses on 'last days' or 'end times' topics from the Bible, and how they might relate to current events, though it mostly focuses on theological and academic topics. In addition to the commonly discussed theology of the end times, it was also important to me to bring in some more fringe subject matter. I believe that both those who don't believe in the Bible, as well as those who do, need to know that the fringe was written about in the ancient history contained within the Bible, and the fringe is prophesied in the Bible to return in the last days. We all need to be ready for what is to come, because those with power will give their explanation about what is unfolding, but that version will be a lie.

This blog however has a different purpose. I'd like to express my own experiences as we all navigate this quickly changing world, in the hope that it might bring hope to someone else. It has been a really challenging few years for the world, but we're just getting started. What's happening to all of us is no accident. There is a plan that has been set in motion to bring the earth to it's final conclusion. The plan has been in the development stage for decades, centuries really. But a few years ago, the final pieces were put into place, and we're now all in for the ride of our lives. It will be like nothing any of us has ever been through before or can even conceptualize.

It's been a very painful road for me already, and I know that as long as I'm on this earth, there is unfortunately more to come. The only way through this is with the help of Jesus and each other, but as we all reach our last day - whenever it may come - we will stand before our Maker alone. I'm hoping that here in the interim that this blog might create some connection that will help others and myself.


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